21 Aug 2014

Coming of age - Foster the People

Coming of age - Foster the People
I feel like I am in that weird transition moment between an era and the next, I have finished listening to all of these good and great albums in the summer and now I'm moving to the next lot... it's a smooth transition though and I think it wouldn't hurt to post a few latecomers from the former group... one of them is this Coming of age, first single out of FTP's Supermodel and (currently) last song I have started to really like out of it. As I mentioned already a few days ago, I am not completely satisfied with this album but I think I took out of it everything I could and this is really the last drop of juice I can drink for now!
Say goodbye to FTP for a while as I don't see myself posting other stuff of theirs anytime soon, just enjoy this to the fullest!

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