8 Feb 2015

Gone - U2

Gone - U2
I have recently compiled a playlist with my favourite U2 songs and every time I play it with shuffle mode on, this song pops up. It did now and it somehow seems to make a lot of sense.

"I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down."

Pop is a weird U2 album for me: it is not at all among my favourites, but there is a triplet of songs (Staring at the sun + Last night on earth + Gone) that I really really like, and that I've been liking since I approached the album.

"You wanted to get somewhere so badly you had to lose yourself along the way."

Gone in particular has always meant something special to me, I probably didn't understand what and why until now. Or maybe I still don't! It's weird how your relationship with a song changes and evolves with time, whenever you have this "illumination" moments and it seems like you're understanding each other better than before... one of the reasons why I love music!

" 'Cause I'm already gone, felt that way all along.
Closer to you every day, I didn't want it that much anyway."

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