24 Apr 2015

Ship to wreck - Florence + the Machine

Ship to wreck - Florence + the Machine
As you all know, I have been greatly anticipating Florence's new album for... well, for ages. When 'What kind of man' came out I wasn't exactly blown away, but I was quite excited and the song did grow in me, even not as much as most Flo's songs have done in the past. When I got to listen to a raw recording of a live where she performed a few of the new songs, I was quite blown away and couldn't wait for the album to come out! Then 'St. Jude' was released and that was quite a big disappointment, as I didn't love the song nearly as much as I did when I watched the live performance. So my expectations drastically plunged and 'Ship to wreck' came out! My judgement on it is still pending because I have only listened to it a few times, but I think it has the potential to become the best among the songs released up until now, after a few listens. It didn't make me scream for joy (yet), but I hope it will (soon)!!!
Listen to it and to the other songs posted on the blog on the Aprile 2015 playlist on Spotify!! Stream it here!

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