29 May 2016

#sundayrevival I still haven't found what I'm looking for - U2

I still haven't found what I'm looking for - U2
You might remember that a little less than three months ago I posted one of my favourite U2 songs, 'One tree hill', just to celebrate the fact that I had just started watching the homonymous TV series. A TV series that I just finished watching tonight, and when you spend months with fictional characters in a fictional world, it's always extremely hard to cut your relationship with them and come back to reality, realising that they are not a part of your real world and real life. Or maybe they are, in the end this is the magic of movies and series and books, isn't it...? Anyway I found myself reading about the actors, their lives, what they are doing now and so on... I think it's my brain's way of slowly and gently detaching with the characters, and when strong music is linked to the show, listening to the songs is another great way of easing the end of it all. So I went back to listen to 'The Joshua Tree' and off that great album I am posting this one song today. Why? Because all the main characters have in some way found what they were looking for, while me... I still don't think I know what it is I am looking for, so I guess that this song is a great way for remembering that real life is real life and things don't work as "smoothly" (killings and accidents and kidnappings apart) as in the entertainment industry...!

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