22 Dec 2014

Spectrum - Florence + the Machine

Spectrum - Florence + the Machine
I'm back home, I travelled full of luggage (two trolleys, something like 5 big paper bags and a shoulder bag) full of clothes, papers and xmas gifts, both mine and my aunt's... Yes, I started transferring back my stuff from Milan quite seriously, it made sense after living these last few days there with a nostalgic vibe. The moving has been quite tough, especially as I've been doing it alone, and the worst part is finding room at home for all the stuff I brought back, but things are slowly taking a new shape! Of course I wanted to live my 1-hour drive back home at the fullest, and my music pick has been, as you can imagine, Florence + the Machine! Overlooking the fact that my singing in the car was probably comparable to that of Britney Spears at her concerts, it's been very rewarding and moving as usual, even more than usual I'd say, given the aforementioned nostalgic vibe. Of course one of the songs which I was singing myself hoarse was this one, Spectrum, big feelings, powerful singing, I'll never forget my times with Florence in the car... just chills, nothing else!

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